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Why Startups Need to Be Like Crabs: Mastering Pivoting and Hypothesis Testing

Cost-effectiveness of pivoting and hypothesis testing
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Apparently, crabs are so cool, that nature tends to evolve non-crab crustaceans into a crab-like body plan – a phenomenon that was observed on five separate occasions throughout the evolution process. There's even a term for that – carcinisation. I'm not even kidding, look it up.

I mean, crabs are cool, but why's that? There can't be five coincidences, right? I've never thought I'd type out this combination of words with my own claws, but let's break down the success of crabs. See, making it in the world of startups with a successful product is similar to making it in nature – you've got to adapt and pivot until you find a trait that works really well. And that requires for a truly crab-like dedication.

You – young crustaceans, must be prepared to adjust your strategies and hypotheses to maintain a competitive edge. However, pivoting can be a resource-intensive process, especially for early-stage startups with limited financial resources

To address this challenge, lean startup methodologies have emerged as a powerful tool for cost-effective pivoting and hypothesis testing. These methodologies emphasize iterative development, continuous feedback, and data-driven decision-making, enabling startups to test and refine their ideas without breaking the bank.

In this article, we will explore three key lean startup strategies that can help startups pivot and test hypotheses in a cost-effective manner:

Utilize Low-Fidelity Prototypes

In the early stages of product development, don't invest in creating high-fidelity prototypes that require significant time and resources. Instead, focus on creating low-fidelity prototypes, such as sketches or wireframes. These prototypes can be used to test core functionalities, gather user feedback, and refine your product concept without the need for extensive coding or design work.

Creating low-fidelity prototypes is significantly faster and less resource-intensive than building high-fidelity prototypes – they are easy to modify and adapt based on user feedback, enabling you to iterate and refine your product concept quickly.

Try to focus on the essential functionalities of your product, allowing you to test the core value proposition without getting bogged down in aesthetic details. This approach aligns well with the lean startup philosophy of minimizing upfront costs and maximizing learning.

In the world of crabs that would be similar to developing the concept of a shell without putting too much thought into its shape – just to see if its appropriate for your habitat.

Embrace the Build-Measure-Learn Feedback Loop

The build-measure-learn feedback loop is a fundamental principle of lean startup methodologies. This iterative process involves building a minimum viable product (MVP), measuring its performance against key metrics, and learning from the data to refine the product or pivot to a new direction.

An MVP is a stripped-down version of your product that contains just enough features to validate your core assumptions about user needs and market demand. By focusing on essential functionalities, you can minimize development time and costs, allowing you to test your hypotheses quickly and efficiently.

Once your MVP is launched, it's crucial to establish relevant metrics to measure its success. These metrics should align with your business objectives and provide insights into user engagement, conversion rates, and product adoption. Regularly analyze the data gathered from your MVP to assess its performance and identify areas for improvement. If the data suggests that your assumptions are flawed, be prepared to pivot and refine your product or strategy.

Again, baby-crab steps: now it's time to check what shape works best – should it be elongated? Spherical? Maybe flat? Make it red or should we go for tactical green?

article illustration

Utilize Cost-Effective Development Tools and Practices

Do you know what crabs eat? A mix of algae, seaweed, worms, small clams, and, most importantly, garbage on the bottom of the ocean. Does this sound like a meal fit for a peak performance predator? No, but nature moves in mysterious ways. There's a lesson that:

To further minimize the costs associated with pivoting and hypothesis testing, tech startups should leverage cost-effective development tools and practices. These tools and practices can streamline the development process, reduce reliance on expensive resources, and enable rapid prototyping. Consider using:

Open-source technologies:

Embrace open-source software libraries, frameworks, and tools to reduce development costs and access a vast repository of pre-built solutions.

Cloud-based solutions:

Utilize cloud-based infrastructure and platforms to eliminate the need for upfront investments in hardware and IT infrastructure.

Prototyping tools:

Leverage prototyping tools to quickly create interactive mockups and test product concepts without the need for extensive coding.

Agile development methodologies:

Adopt agile development methodologies, such as Scrum or Kanban, to promote iterative development, continuous feedback, and rapid adaptation to changing requirements.

Cost-effective experimentation:

Design experiments carefully to maximize the value of each test and minimize unnecessary expenditures. Prioritize experiments that address critical assumptions and have the potential to significantly impact your product or strategy.

Bonus: Scrum or Kanban?


Scrum is an iterative and incremental agile project management framework that helps teams deliver products in short, fixed-length periods called sprints. It promotes collaboration, self-organization, and adaptability, making it well-suited for startups that need to be able to pivot quickly and respond to changing market conditions. It's key components are:

  • Sprints: Scrum projects are divided into sprints, typically lasting 2-4 weeks. Each sprint has a clear goal and a set of tasks to be completed.
  • Product backlog: The product backlog is a prioritized list of features and requirements for the product. The product owner is responsible for maintaining the backlog and ensuring it aligns with the overall product vision.
  • Scrum team: The Scrum team consists of three roles: the product owner, the Scrum Master, and the development team. Each role has specific responsibilities and works together to deliver the product.
  • Scrum ceremonies: Scrum includes four core ceremonies: sprint planning, daily scrum, sprint review, and sprint retrospective. These ceremonies provide opportunities for planning, communication, inspection, and adaptation.

Scrum's structured approach and time-boxed sprints help teams focus on delivering value in short cycles, leading to increased productivity and faster time to market. This framework promotes collaboration and teamwork, breaking down silos and fostering a shared sense of ownership among team members, while its iterative and incremental nature allows teams to adapt to changing requirements and market conditions quickly and effectively.


Kanban is a visual project management method that uses a board to represent the workflow of tasks and projects. It emphasizes continuous flow, limiting work in progress (WIP), and focusing on delivering value consistently. The main components of the Kanban approach are:

  • Kanban board: The Kanban board is the central element of Kanban. It consists of columns representing stages in the workflow, such as "To Do," "In Progress," "Review," and "Done."
  • Cards: Kanban cards represent individual tasks or deliverables. They contain information such as the task description, priority, and due date.
  • WIP Limits: Kanban emphasizes limiting work in progress to prevent bottlenecks and ensure efficient workflow. WIP limits are set for each stage of the workflow.

Kanban is a non-prescriptive framework that can be easily adapted to fit the needs of different teams and projects – its focus on continuous flow helps teams identify and address bottlenecks, improving overall efficiency and throughput. Kanban's focus on delivering value consistently aligns well with the startup mentality of getting products to market quickly and iterating based on user feedback.

We don't know whether crabs owe their success to Scrum or Kanban or if their little killer-brains can even comprehend the meaning of these concepts, but seeing how nature systematically chooses crab-like traits over others, we can be sure that iterative approach to development can show incredible results.

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Psst. We vote Kanban 🦀

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